Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mini plain pancake

This is Iman's favorite - mini plain pancake. A few friends asked me. So, mari lah kita tampal gambar dah share. Sharing is caring :p

2 tbsp of plain flour
1 tsp of baking powder
2 tsp of brown sugar

Enough milk, say 3oz (I use fresh milk)
A little oil (I use olive oil)

Combine A (dry ingredient) in a bowl.
Mixed B in another bowl. Make a hole in the middle of the A.
Pour B into A. Batter will be slightly lumpy.
Heat a lightly oiled non-stick frying pan over medium high heat.
Scoop 1 tablespoon of batter onto the pan.
Cook until pancakes are golden brown/bubble on both sides.

Nota kaki:
* If the batter cair, add some flour.
* If batter macam tak cukup kecairannya, add enough milk.
* If for adult, boleh letak perasa (gula/garam) dan telur.
* Bila dah selalu buat, u'll know berapa banyak nak letak.
* U'll can make variety type of pancake. I made a few version for Iman - raisin, banana (cut into small slice, just enough to fit on the butter when we scooped on the pan), gratted carrot, versi tambah nestum, versi tambah oat. It's fun. Try lah!

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